Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sometimes I don't want to talk about training

Ok so what I do want to talk about is my amazing son! That kid never ceases to amaze me and this morning was no exception. We are experiencing his first Homecoming and Spirit Week as a freshman at BVNW ( my tummy gets that good feeling as all the memories of my Homecomings are being lived again ( but not my senior year- that one needs to be forgotten)). It's so awesome to see the whole school get involved- I could count on my hands this morning the kids I saw that were NOT dressed up according to the theme of the day. They start every morning with short dances created by groups of boys in each class and my son, Oliver, was performing today. Two words- fabulous and hilarious! Those kiddos can dance! All those new moves- the jerking and the twitching.. I don't know what they're called but it sure beats the sprinkler for sure!!! The group of seven ended  their dance with Oliver doing a back flip- I was nervous because he was on a cement floor, not a spring floor- but he landed it and the crowd erupted with applause and wild chants of 'Freshmen, Freshmen!'. Now we're on the countdown to the big dance.... I'll be a mess.. my baby is just growing up too fast!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pity Pary is Over...

So let me back up to Wednesday...I had a pity party...all the favorites were, cookie dough ice cream... I have been having issues with my left hamstring and the doc told me on Wednesday that I had a small....tear, yes, tear (mind you, this was the second time he has told me this!). So my world came tumbling down (again). Only 3 weeks til my PR race and I go and hurt my leg (again). So after a couple of 'pick me up' emails, I picked myself back up...on Friday.

Friday night...a 3,000 yard swim
Saturday morning...22 miler with the KC girls...thanks girls for the mud run!
Sunday ride with Donna and Rafe...thank guys for the great ride!
Sunday afternoon...lake time with Robert...thanks honey!

Ahh, feels so much better after the party is over. Bring on the week!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Stunt Woman I was not meant to be....

It's the craziest thing- I keep falling on Saturday long runs. Not just a little trip or stumble, but a full-on, down to the ground fall. The first time was in Lawrence and as Kelly said, 'I was a bloody mess'. My arm and leg were scraped up and blood had gotten all over my shirt. Yep, pretty nasty. I was just about healed when, crash!- right on the Trolley Trail where there are of course, tons of people. How embarassing! Same side and everything. This time, I stopped the fall by jamming my elbow into my ribs and as we all know, there's nothing you can do for broken, cracked or fractured ribs but dope up on heavy pain medication. Thankfully, mine are just bruised but don't get me wrong, it's still pretty painful. I choose not to dose up on pills but instead choose sport-induced endorphins. Swimming last night with Kelly was awesome- it was fun to have someone to chat with and to remind each other, WE LOVE SWIMMING!. Tonight is Runner's Edge speed sessions so we'll see how that goes. I have a feeling I won't be leaving anyone in my dust but I'll give it my best. Let's just hope I don't fall.....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lewis and Clark 1/2 Marathon, Sept. 13, 2009

Where to begin...Saturday afternoon, Heather, Angela, Patricia and I met at...oh yes, Trader Joe's. I am pretty sure that is the only reason the girls wanted to do this race! I have never been to Trader Joe's, so, I was not aware that chocolate covered edamame was like gold! I the four of us bought enough to feed a small army (that's about 33 containers...) Just image the shopping cart. So for those who haven't had it, yes, they are that good.

After Joe's, we went to Clayton for dinner. It was the St. Louis Art Fair, unfortunately, there was not time to browse the art. We were on a mission to eat. We found a place were we all could eat, i.e. vegetarion options, no wait, called Portabello's. We laughed, a lot, pissed off the waiter, and ate some really great food. Oh, and Patricia shared a really YUMMY secret! After dinner, it was back to the hotel to sample all of our Trader Joe goodies. Yum!

Without going into a race report, here's the recap. Patrica PR'd by two minutes, whoo hoo! Angie was right behind her and had a great race. Heather has had better races, weeks, luck etc...and wound up finishing strong. I had a good race, felt very strong and just about ready for KC Marathon...PR or the ER!

It was a great course, great weather and great friends. Thank you to my hubby for helping my parents while I had fun with the gals! I was beat and so were my pups! We all napped on the way back to Lawrence!